
I am a lover of the land, a gardener and herbalist, and maker of beautiful and harmonious spaces that offer people a place to restore.

I see life as a brief and beautiful gift, and endeavor to practice presence, caring for others, and right action every day. I believe that tending to the soil, plants and trees creates an abiding and beautiful mutual relationship.

When we started welcoming guests here in 2017 we didn’t realize what a labor of love it would become. Being a human isn’t easy sometimes! We all need rest, time in nature, and peace, and doing what we can to provide that to our visitors has been an enormous gift for us too.

We give our guests lots of privacy, but if you would like, we happily share the farm bounty with you in season, and our experience in living close to the resources that sustain us. Please come visit – serenity and beauty are here and waiting for you!